
Matrix labels are grid headings that can be added to improve the appearance of the grid and to enable the registrant to easily locate events. They are especially useful for large registration grids.

How to Make a Matrix Label

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences

  2. Click on "Step 1" in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen:

  3. Half-way down the page you will see these settings:

  4. Set 'Step 1 Event Matrix Enabled?' to 'Yes' and click on  . To make the matrix column headings

  5. To create a label, enter the following settings:

    Order Determine the order you want your Matrix Label to appear. These labels follow the same order as the Event Order in the Event Definition section. Note that if your first event order is “10” and you order the Heading for this section as “10” the heading will always proceed the event name in the grid if the same event order number is used.
    Label The 'Label' field simply contains the text of the heading you'd like to insert. Now, this is where a little bit of HTML knowledge comes in handy. For example, if I were simply to type 'Aquatics' in the 'Label' field and press 'Add', the label would appear on the grid, but it would only be plain black text. Chances are you'd like to make it bigger, maybe bold it, or add some color, etc. To do these things, you have to use HTML commands. For more information on HTML commands and text formatting, see Text Formatting

  6. Click on "Add"

Useful Commands

  • Matrix Column Headings

    This is the heading that displays the column names (if columns are used) and although it automatically appears at the top of the grid (when columns are used), you can insert the Matrix Column Heading anywhere within a (large) grid.

    Command to enter in 'Label' field: %%matrix_column_headings%%

  • Next and Cancel Buttons

    These buttons can be inserted anywhere in the matrix. The matrix column headings will also appear

    Command to enter in 'Label' field: %%matrix_column_headings_with_buttons%%

    Note: Alternatively, the buttons and the matrix column headings can be set to repeat every set number of rows by entering a number in the Step 1 Preferences:

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